I have had brake pedal extenders for years. I like them because they make my life a little less stressful. But I don’t know what to do about a brake pedal extender. I’m assuming that they won’t break. I know that I can’t just put it in my car and forget about it.
The problem with brake pedal extenders is that they can’t be removed. That’s why they’re called brake pedal extenders. So you’re basically stuck with them just like you are now. The problem is you don’t get the benefit of the doubt that comes with having a brake pedal extender on your car. If you are driving and brake, you need to get it on your car immediately. Most brake pedal extenders have a spring-loaded mechanism that helps you get it on.
That means you wont be able to just throw it in the back seat and go about your day. So to avoid that, you will need to wait for somebody to step up and remove it for you. To get it out you will need to use a hammer, screwdriver, or whatever tool you like.