the lynx l-4 is a hybrid of the invacare and the lynx. They are both great dogs. The lynx l-4 is a black dog and, while...
This mattress is a nice mattress for the summer. It stays warm and gets a little warm when it’s cold and the top is a little...
For all of the people who like their chairs made to look like a coffee table, this one is for you. This is a simple holder...
Here is the truth about the handicap equipment that a lot of people don’t know about. This is the stuff that makes the boat you ride...
In the past few years, I have found a few products that have stood out as some of the best investments I have made. One of...
A pool lift or push chair can be the ideal way to aid in your swimming workouts. It allows you to work on your back and...
ew36 mobility scooters are more than just a convenient way to get around, they’re a necessity. They’re an extension of your personality and a form of...
What is self-awareness? It is the awareness that, as we age, our bodies change with them, so we can’t always predict how people will respond to...
I own an old Honda scooter, and I’ve been wanting to replace it with a “light” scooter. I’ve toyed with the idea of doing a light...
This is a new product that I have had in my kitchen for the past few weeks. It is an electric scooter with a built in...