I am an accomplished doctor and have had this bed for almost a decade. I’ve had it for a few years and it has been great....
I’ve been working on a piece in Illustrator that I’ve call “Golden Technologies Lift Chair Parts Diagram”. I came up with this when I was thinking...
I’m always on the hunt for new and interesting things to explore. This is my favorite e runner scooter. I love it because it’s lightweight, comfortable,...
These are a bit of an acquired taste, but they are a great way to introduce children to walking. The colors are fun, and the shapes...
You can’t argue with how comfortable and relaxing I find this chair to be. It is a great way to unwind while doing something you’re not...
If you’re a person that has always lived with a power wheelchair, you might be wondering how you can incorporate it in your lifestyle. There are...
I have used folding scooters for years. I have a folding scooter that I used to fold onto my bike to save the $10 investment. It’s...
This year, I received an electric wheel chair, and I think I’ve seen it all. For me, the electric wheel chair is the best of both...
I’ve written about my love for viking wheel before. I’ve been in love with them since I was a child and I still carry them with...
This is my favorite kind of riding. There’s something about the feeling of being on solid ground, but there’s also something about riding on something that’s...