I am excited to announce that I have made hardware for my headboard. Some of you may already have one, but if not, I know you’ll be happy to know I can fit and work with all of the accessories that came with it.
I have been working with an older headboard for a while. I had a lot of stuff lying around from my college days, and I was just about to give it away to some friends for their wedding when I suddenly realized that it was a good thing I didn’t have it any longer. The thing is, at around three times the price of the new headboard I’m making, it’s just a lot more than I’m used to making.
You may have noticed that it’s a little confusing to get a new headboard from the hardware store in the first place. This is because the hardware store has no clue what you’re talking about when you tell them to put a new headboard on your bed.
You probably have one of those questions that you just can’t seem to answer. This is why we decided to make hardware for headboards! Weve had a few people ask us if we were making a new headboard for them. One of our coworkers, who really likes to keep up with the latest happenings in the hardware store, really wanted one for her bedroom. Her friend did too.
There are a couple of different ways to put your new headboard on a headboard. Either you can just hook it up to the wall or you can put it on your headboard. Either way, you need some sort of hardware to ensure that it’s secure. We decided to make it a little bit more permanent with a built-in lock.
This is something that pretty much all of us have done at one point or another. As you know, most headboards are made of metal or wood, but if you’re not careful the wood can scratch your head at the slightest touch. And then there’s the matter of the locking hardware. There are a number of options out there, but the one we have found to be the most reliable is the Phillips screw.
A Phillips screw. What’s it good for? Well, basically it’s for your headboard to be secure. If you ever accidentally pull it out, the screws are so small that you can just push them out. The screws are also extremely cheap, so you don’t even have to worry about a bad screw. Also, the screws don’t corrode, and they don’t rust.
An older friend had them pulled out of the building and onto the floor. The only thing which makes it worse is that they were never able to get the screws out. Luckily, the security guys had them locked out for good, so they had to take them out.
If you’re a person who likes to throw her head in a bucket, or that’s what she’s done, don’t let this go your way. It will hurt your feelings so much.
Just a note to those of you who have a hard time believing this: The headboard screws are made out of steel. So youll need a quality screwdriver. Also, the screws dont corrode, and they dont rust.