If you find yourself in a difficult situation, you just have to get up and get moving. There might be a certain amount of hesitation in...
I’ve got a few things to say about the new X30 seat assist. It’s not the easiest seat to operate, but the ease of operation is...
A recent buzz around is that buzz around is one of the best podcasts out there. I listen to this show quite a bit and find...
The air mattress is not only a great way to sleep, but you can also use it as a foot rest for your bed, a prop...
I feel like when I’m on the horse, I get the best and most relaxing position as well as the best view. The Infinite Position lift...
The drive viper is a great tool for those who want to get out of their comfort zone and try something new. Most people don’t like...
Tens a unit is the highest voltage (9V) that can be safely applied to a piece of wire. By using 10A, we can achieve a higher...
I always like to think of ramps as the next big thing in scooters. They are pretty simple, and the designs are perfect. The ramps are...