I’ve had this title since the beginning of time, and it seems like most people find that to be somewhat true. We are the product of our genes, environment, upbringing, and environment.
Permenate is like the title of the song “Permenate” by R.E.M. It means to produce, and its lyrics are all about the way we (and others) are produced.
And now that we’re thinking about our bodies, I think we all need to permenate a bit more. The average lifespan is 75 years old, but there are those born in the “golden years” who live much longer, and it takes no small amount of work to stay at a healthy age.
If you were born in the last century, you have the potential to live to be 100. To me, that means you are permenate. There is no reason you can’t if you want to.
That’s a pretty big word, and I think that the average person thinks it means “permanently” or “forever.” But it may be more accurate to say that you are “permenating” your life. You may not live forever, but you’re permenating your life.
Permenating is the act of growing, of becoming. This is the natural process of aging and dying. There is no reason to think that the average person is born with a negative attitude of any sort. So if you want to be positive, you can start with yourself. Youre going to need a few tools to help you grow.
The first tool is to ask yourself, what are you good at? This is not just about being good at sports. It is about being good at anything. But what is it that you like doing? When you think about it, youre always doing something that you like doing. So you may just have to start to write down everything that you like doing and then start to work on it. Then you can begin to look for things that you can do to make your life better.
I know this may sound like a tall order. But once you start to list your hobbies, you can begin to look at what you like doing. You can begin to do those things that would make your life better. You can find other people with the same interests and begin to get them involved. You can start to look at what you don’t like.
The thing is that I’m not a writer so I don’t have all the answers to the following questions, but I do have a lot of answers for each one.