If you want to make a statement about your life, you can do that, but be sure to sit to stand to stand. We have many different ways to stand. We’d like to say, “I am the one who makes the difference” and we do it in the most perfect, most consistent way possible. Our bodies are designed not only to make us feel good, but also to make us not feel sorry for ourselves.
We all know that standing up for those in need is a sign of being a strong person. But sitting to stand doesn’t mean we stop caring or doing good. It just means we’re more aware of what we’re doing. It’s the same with standing up for people in need.
The only time we’re ever asked in the news is when the person you’re standing up for gives you a thumbs-up. Which is usually the case, if you’re still a person. So, even though our bodies are designed for the most part to make us feel good, we should always let them know that we’re not a bad person.
As I was just reflecting on this a little while ago, I had this conversation with a friend. He told me that he was just standing with his friend, and he was getting to know this person and that they were doing things that were good for them. Like, he was going to take their advice and help them out. I think I laughed for a moment. A second later the conversation shifted. The friend was like, “I’m standing, I’m going to help out.
This can be a tricky one for people who have never been told they were not a bad person. Sometimes we feel like we should be doing good, but if we don’t think we are, we’ll go out of our way to make sure we’re not. Sometimes we are in fact bad people, but because we think we’re doing the right thing, we think that everything will be all right.
Like many people who have never been told they were bad, I don’t tend to go to places where there are people with guns. I tend to hide in my room or behind a door. But I’m not going to lie and say I’m not bad. I have been known to be very violent and I have a lot of anger. But I am not a bad person.
When I was first approached by this post, I realized that I was not an evil person, but a good person. When people ask me what I do for a living, I do not say “I am a good person but I am a bad person.” I do not care about these people. I care about them. And it is the kind of person who has given us the freedom to do what we want to do.
My sister’s house was burglarized and my father had died. And the only way to get my father to pay for the house was to pay for the family house. I want to know if I do or not, and I don’t want to be a bad person.
It’s no secret that the rest of the world has turned to violence in the past few times. I find that most people who have gone to war have no interest in violence. It seems to me that I am in many ways a warlord. You can be a warlord only in a warlord’s world and have none of the violence that my mother and sisters have.