The bike rack that I build is the complete opposite of what most people build. These racks attach by means of a small chain that the two ends of the rack are supposed to be hinged to. I also put a small chain through the bike’s rear wheel, and the rack is attached to the bike with a chain clamp. The two ends are hinged together, and the bike-rack is just a really easy, inexpensive, and fun way to store your bike.
When I started building this bike rack, I was still confused about what it was supposed to be. I was supposed to have a rack that was supposed to hold a huge bicycle like that, but it couldn’t be. I was supposed to have a rack that held a bike that held a bike with a chain, but I didn’t know how to find the right amount of chain for my bike.
I’m glad you didn’t buy a bike-rack that only holds bikes with a chain. That would make it much more difficult to store bikes in the garage or in your trunk. You could just hang up the chain clamp and use the bike as a bike rack for the rest of your bike. That is, unless you are going to get really creative.