I love scooters. I have a scooter. I drive it. I ride it. I own one, and I love it. That being said, I’m a bit...
eWheels is a company that helps the independent motorcyclist by equipping them with a portable ewheels scooter. This mobility scooter was designed to meet the needs...
irliev percussion massage gun is the tool which is used to apply pressure on your face. With the help of the gun, you can enjoy your...
This new way for teaching yoga is the most efficient method I have come across during my teaching career. Sure-hands is a new way of teaching...
I think of myself as a person who prefers to stay seated, but I do need to go to the bathroom and often need to get...
This easystand glider is my most-used and favorite piece of equipment in my office. It’s lightweight and easily transportable, it’s durable, and it’s versatile. This glider...
scooter mirrors make it possible for you to see the scooter in the driver’s chair, so you can make sure you’re getting the right angle for...
We’re all familiar with the concept that walking up a flight of stairs is a good thing; it’s part of the walk. The problem is that...
A shoulder brace is a type of arm brace that helps reduce the effects of shoulder injuries. It is made of a band and a plastic...
I love the look of a stool or bench you can adjust to the height of your office. This stool and backrest combo is perfect for...